Perform PPK with RTK Facet

Hello, has someone performed PPK measurements with the RTK Facet.

If so, how could I store the brand to obtain the precise data after the post process.

I have taken measurement data storing raw data during the journey with fixed solutions, but what I have not been able to solve so far is how to link the information taken with the brand or code.

If anyone knows or knows how to resolve this information I would greatly appreciate it.



I have post processed the data from the Facet in both kinematic (PPK) and static modes.

I’m not sure what you mean by “brand”, but perhaps you mean manufacturer and antenna model for a calibration?

The Facets have a US NGS calibration and some post processing software packages require it. The antenna calibration is “SFEFACET” with a “NONE” after it. “SFE” is the manufacturer and “FACET” is the ‘antenna’ model.

Some of the post processing software doesn’t have the newest NGS calibration database and so doesn’t recognize “SFEFACET”. I’ve had to manually download the calibration data from the NGS and update my s/w configuration.

Thanks for your answer.

I have also carried out the kinematic process (PPK) but I cannot link the point taken with the code (.mrk), I am confused about this process since I measure the points for a certain time but I do not know how to link with the code from the point taken

Regarding the brand, it was not that of the team, it was the code or name of the point taken

Ah, yes. If I understand correctly, you have the same challenge many of us have.

Is this similar to your scenario?

  1. You go out in the field, with the Facet Rover saving raw data for later post processing. You also have a base Facet saving raw data, or you will use a CORS station as your base data.

  2. You setup over a number of survey markers in the ground, for example 5 markers, and leave the receiver over each marker for, perhaps, 10 minutes each. This whole process takes you, for example, 2 hours.

  3. Your markers have names, like A01, A02, A03, A04, and A05.

  4. You go back to your office.

  5. You post process the data, and get 120 minutes worth of position coordinate solutions. Perhaps one solution every second for 2 hours. Perhaps your solutions are in a .pos file from RTKLIB. Some of the positions are when you are walking around and setting up. Some of the solutions are when you are stable and setup over a marker. Some of the solutions are high quality (RTK Fixed) and some are not.

  6. You need to extract the accurate position solutions for the A01, A02, A03, A04, and A05 survey markers.

Here’s one way:

Professional surveyor instruments (Trimble, Carlson, Topcon, etc.) do this by using a proprietary combination of their desktop software, software on their field data collector computer, and files from their GNSS/GPS receiver and from the field data collector. Their GNSS receivers probably cost US$10,000-15,000 each, the field data collector probably US$5,000, and the desktop software probably US$3,000. Spend all that money and it happens automatically. I don’t have the $$ budget for all that, so I improvise.

I found it informative and helpful to see how Emlid does this. It doesn’t solve my problem, but I learned something. There are a number of YouTube videos and web pages describing the Emlid procedure. Emlid has desktop software and a phone app for use with their receivers. The Emlid phone app saves a spreadsheet, with a row for each survey marker (point). The name of the survey markers, time, and approximate position are in the columns of the spreadsheet. Their desktop software reads in the raw UBX data for the base and rover, does the PPK post processing, and updates the spreadsheet with very accurate positions for each survey marker. One video of Emlid’s procedure:

Of course, this procedure requires using Emlid hardware, which I do not have, I’m a SparkFun guy! So this video is only information for us, it’s not a “how to”.

If I’m only doing a few points, I use the time and manually correlate the position solutions. I somehow (paper and pencil even) record the times I am setup over each marker, carefully correct time zones, and go into the .pos file from RTKLIB to get the accurate coordinates. If I’m on each survey marker for 10 minutes, I average the middle 7 minutes or so. It’s very tedious. And I account for the height of the Facet above the survey marker in the ground.

I’m sure there are other ways to do this. If you find a better way, please let us know!

Thank you very much for the videos, they are explanatory

The bad thing is that the RTK Facet no longer turns on