PGM-09825 Issue when programming ATXMEGA32A4U


I am trying to program an ATXMEGA32A4U using the PGM-09825 pocket programmer from SparkFun through AVRDude. When attempting to confirm the connection before flashing code, I receive the following error:

This was received after running: “avrdude -c usbtiny -p x32a4u” as mentioned to do in the programmer manual.

I also tried running this with the 2x3 PDI header connected both ways, so direction of the connection is not the issue. I also know that I can program this MCU using an avrispmkII programmer as that is what we have been using in the past.

Do I need to change any settings in my current AVRDude setup since this is a different type of programmer than we have been using before? Sorry if these questions seem too simplified, I am no expert with AVRDude. Thanks in advance!

Photo of your setup?