Pi AVR Programmer HAT

I’ve tried this on a Pi3B+ and a Pi4B and all it does is repeat error messages like the below:

/home/pi/optiboot_atmega328_2012_with_1s_watchdog.hex: 35: /home/pi/optiboot_atmega328_2012_with_1s_watchdog.hex: :00000001FF: not found

/home/pi/optiboot_atmega328_2012_with_1s_watchdog.hex: 32: /home/pi/optiboot_atmega328_2012_with_1s_watchdog.hex: :047FF000FF270994CA: not found

/home/pi/optiboot_atmega328_2012_with_1s_watchdog.hex: 33: /home/pi/optiboot_atmega328_2012_with_1s_watchdog.hex: :027FFE00040479: not found

/home/pi/optiboot_atmega328_2012_with_1s_watchdog.hex: 34: /home/pi/optiboot_atmega328_2012_with_1s_watchdog.hex: :0400000300007E007B: not found

/home/pi/optiboot_atmega328_2012_with_1s_watchdog.hex: 35: /home/pi/optiboot_atmega328_2012_with_1s_watchdog.hex: :00000001FF: not found

The files are there, they all have the 777 permissions, it just refuses to work.

Hi there Kd7eir, It looks like you posted that you were able to get this to work on your pi (on the hookup guide comments). Are you still running into issues?

Everything is fine now. Thank you for checking.