Three Questions RE: Pi AVR Programmer HAT

Today, I finally got my AVR Programmer up and running, but I have three questions about it.

First question:

I’m seeing the same behavior as indicated in this post viewtopic.php?f=104&t=56304

However, the M328P ICs I’m programming with the Optiboot hex file seem to get through the process just fine. I’ve verified they work by using the Arduino ICE to upload “Blink” and all is well.

The question is why the errors then? Is this an expected behavior?

Second question:

I’ve got a couple of breadboards setup as “from an Arduino to a microcontroller on a breadboard” and I wanted to try programming them directly on the breadboard. I want the AVR Programmer to provide the 5v to power the board. I unsoldered the Target jumpers and soldered the 5v jumpers, but when I measure the voltage on at the VCC terminal where the ribbon cable connects I’ve got no voltage. I’ve had no success getting the AVR Programmer to work with the breadboards, as a result. I’m finding I have to use an Arduino with a USB cable plugged in to get anywhere with programming these M328Ps.

Could you enlighten me as to what might be going on here?

I’m assuming (perhaps incorrectly) that once the AVR Programmer is setup to provide 5v, I shouldn’t need a USB cable for an Arduino as the power is being provided via ISP. Likewise, the 5v needed to power the breadboard should also be able to be provided from the AVR Programmer itself, no?

Third question:

When I initially attempted to setup up my Pi, I installed Pi OS Lite (sans GUI). I couldn’t get the AVR Programmer to work, there were errors re: serial. I reflashed the SD with the standard Pi OS and was able to get everything up and running with no issues.

The question is what packages are missing in Pi OS Lite that are necessary for the AVR Programmer to function? Since the system is designed to be run headless, I’d have thought Pi OS Lite would be the OS of choice here. Obviously, the standard Pi OS install solved the issue, but I’m curious why Lite wouldn’t do the job.

Thanks for the assistance. This is cool tool!