Pi AVR Programmer Hat - ATMEGA128A


I hope I chose the correct section on this. I am trying to get the Pi AVR programmer hat to work on an ATMEGA128A setup, but am having no luck. AVRdude doesn’t even see there’s a chip there. I have a feeling it has something to do with the alternate MISO/MOSI pin setup the 128A has, but am not completely sure. A standard MKII programmer works just fine, but I was needing a standalone option for the chip. Any guidance would be appreciated. Thank you.

As far as what I’ve done, I followed the tutorial to the point where AVRdude is installed, I have all the pre-requisite files in place in the correct folders, and all seems to be working as far as that is concerned. The hat sits in idle waiting for me to hit the cap sense button, and it responds to it being hit, but the programming fails because it doesn’t see the chip.

This is a bit beyond our technical expertise, but I suspect if you edited the relevant portions of https://github.com/sparkfun/SparkFun_Pi … _gpio.conf to match the version of the 128a you have

you might be able to get something going.

Best of luck!