POE HAT - GPIO pinout.

I’m looking at getting https://www.sparkfun.com/products/18346 POE Hat so I can use my Raspberry Pi with POE. Only question I have is if this is compatible with the LTE hat that I also need for my application. I can’t seem to find any documentation on the GPIO for the board. If someone could point me in the right direction that would be great.

Thank you

Which board? Our products have a ‘documents’ tab that has links to relevant info :smiley:

I don’t know what you mean by “which board?” I posted the link to the board I was talking about. Also, the name of the board is in the subject line.

I’ve looked at the documents tab. The only thing shown is the Product brief which provides a description of the functionality. Specifications for the POE instructions and warnings and a picture. The only information it gives me is that the hat is connected to the POE Pins…but that doesn’t tell me what pins they are. I have looked at the raspberry pi documentation here https://www.raspberrypi.com/documentati … ry-pi.html and tried going to https://pinout.xyz/ to try to find “the four POE pins.” I see nothing labelled POE pin in either place. It sure would be nice if these elusive “four POE pins” were just clearly labelled on the documentation of the product that is supposedly using them. On this particular product I don’t even seem to have a schematic to look at to figure out what is connected to the GPIO header before purchasing and finding out if it’s compatible or not with my existing setup.

I appreciate your response but I am not a noob and have tried todo my homework and not just blindly blasting the internet for help. I’m sure the info is out there but I don’t seem to be able to find it. Hence the reason I posted on the forum of the company selling it. :smiley:

I’m pretty sure the 4 pins just behind the ethernet jack are what you’re looking for. There is a “PoE” label there on a Pi4.

https://cdn.sparkfun.com//assets/parts/ … GB_-04.jpg

Thank you very much I didn’t know about the header behind the ethernet jack. I have about 50 raspberry pi units deployed with an LTE hat that are a mix of 3B, 3B+, and 4…as it happens all of the ones on my desk are 3B so I was not finding anything marked PoE. Thank you for your response and I’m not sure why I couldn’t find that in the Raspberry Pi documentation. This makes sense now.