I want to use LoRa to send correction data (RTCM messages) from one ZED-F9P GPS module to another. What LoRa products should I use to do that? Can two ProRF modules talk directly to each other? Or do I need a gateway for the receiving end? Thanks!
Hi there,
The ProRF can do point-to-point communication. This was demonstrated in the [garage door opener project and is [directly mentioned in the hookup guide. That being said, the products you want to use would be dependent upon your application and up to you to determine. With the ProRF, I believe it is listed that the range is about a mile (line of sight).](SparkFun SAMD21 Pro RF Hookup Guide - SparkFun Learn)](Secure DIY Garage Door Opener - SparkFun Learn)
I have used the EByte LoRa modules with 30 dbm operating power. They are extremely long-range and I’ve done tests up to 20 km line of sight at 9600 bps. With the UBlox m9 and 9th generation chips consideration has to be given to the UART baud output rate as the higher the data rate, the less range you’ll get.