Possible replacement for LCD-00712?


http://www.ritdisplay.com/in_English/Pr … nology.htm

makes some nice looking OLEDs. Their product code P19001 might be a decent replacement for the now-discontinued LCD-00712 OLED although it appears to use hot-bar solder rather than a connector. It uses a Solomon controller similar to the SSD1339 used in the '712 though I’m not sure if the controller will allow 256-color mode (might be only 65K and 262K modes…)

Another OLED or two of interest from them are:

P16807 - 1.8" 160x128 262K color (P16803 may be a connector-ized version)

P16885 - basically same as P16807 but with touchpanel

If these are available a carrier/development board for the 128x128 and 160x128 in T/P and non-T/P would be nice…