I’m looking to get the Stepper Motor - 125 oz.in (200 steps/rev, 600mm Wire) and use it in a project.
What kind of power supply would this require?
The project will turn out something like https://www.instructables.com/id/Arduin … uct-Photo/
Hi ryurkovich, and thanks for posting!
At maximum torque, [ROB-13656 is going to need 2 amps per phase. Since this is a bipolar (2 phase) motor, you’re looking at a maximum of 4 amps for a power supply.
Our [Global Power Supply - 15V 4.34A would work with that motor but I see from the guide you’re looking at that they use a much smaller motor and a stepper motor driver sized for that motor.
If you would like to stick to that guide, I’d recommend using a smaller motor like [ROB-09238 and a suitable power supply for that motor would be [TOL-15314. Both those should work nicely with the guide you’re following.](Wall Adapter Power Supply - 9VDC, 650mA (Barrel Jack) - TOL-15314 - SparkFun Electronics)](https://www.sparkfun.com/products/9238)](https://www.sparkfun.com/products/14338)](https://www.sparkfun.com/products/13656)