Using a Redboard Plus and 1270 LED seven segment display connected via SDA and SCL pins on the board. When I power up thru my USB cable Have to hit the reset and unplug and plug many times to get the program to run. I know its working as the number nine appears on the LED display. I can run the score and reset the game via the program as long as I want. if I unplug and wait a few minutes it a crap shoot on wether or not the program will start. Reset, unplug, plug ,reset and it might come to life.

After trying numerous combinations, it appears that the program always runs when I upload the program and hit the reset button on the board. the number nine appears and all is well.

There must be a glitch in the program but I don’t have the expertise to find it. An associate at the Makers Space helper me in writing the program.

Any comments will be greatly appreciated, Dave

#include <Wire.h>
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include <Servo.h>
#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>
#include "Adafruit_LEDBackpack.h"

Adafruit_7segment matrix = Adafruit_7segment();  

//Name servo
Servo ballReturn;
// Pin declarations
int sensors[7] ={A2,3,4,5,6,A3,9,};    //create an array of sensors //REDBOARD CHANGE //4 was A4 x1
int resetButton = 10;
int servoPin = 11;
int resetDisplays = 10;
int LED_Pin = 13;
// General declarations
int score = 0;
int balls = 9;
int n = 0;
int result;
int s;

// Debounce delays
int sensDelay = 500;
int resetDelay = 50;

// Servo declaration
int open = 90;
int close =180;
void setup() {
  // using a for loop to designate each input pin as an INPUT. 
  for (int eachSensor = 0; eachSensor <= 6; eachSensor++) {
    pinMode(sensors[eachSensor] ,INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(resetButton, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(A3, INPUT_PULLUP);
  //pinMode(A4, INPUT_PULLUP); removed in x1
  matrix.print(10*score+balls);//new  works
  matrix.writeDisplay();//new  works

void loop() {

  while (balls > 0) {
    digitalWrite(LED_Pin, LOW);//new   
//     returnControl(close);
  for(int s = 0; s <= 6; s++){   //check sensor array.
      result = digitalRead(sensors[s]);
      if (result == LOW) {
        if (s == 0) {         n = 100;
        } else if (s == 1) {
          n = 100;
        } else if (s == 2) {
          n = 50;
        } else if (s == 3) {  
          n = 40;
        } else if (s == 4) {
          n = 30;
        } else if (s == 5) {
          n = 20;
        } else if (s == 6) {
          n = 10;

  //add line: a break attached to button to reset inc, without resetting arduino.
 /* startOver();*/ 
  }//end of while loop 
  if (balls = 0); { 

} //end of primary loop  

void addpoints(int n){
  score = score + n;
  balls = balls - 1;
  Serial.print("your score is: ");// prints to serial mointor
  Serial.print("balls remaining: ") ;

void blnk (){
 /* delay(100);

void reset(){
  int resetState = digitalRead(resetButton);
  if (resetState == LOW){
   score = 0;  
   balls = 9;
   Serial.print("balls remaining: ");//prints to serial monitor

void returnControl(int x){

void updateDisplays(){


Is the Redboard behaving like this in case of this particular code? Or it is always the same (You gotta Restart, plug , unplug and do all these stuffs) no matter what you upload to it?

When I run the sevenseg program It starts and runs immediately.In this way I check out the display. Fails when downloading and running above code.

Update: I went back to my Laptop which runs Windows . I noted the Arduino version was 1.8.7. I tried downloading the program and it worked!!! Each and every time I powered on and off it worked. The MacBook Air I was using had Arduino version 1.8.19, which did not work as explained above. I downloaded version 1.8.7 to the Mac and the program would not compile. It now appears it a version vs Mac problem.

I will continue to use my 20 year old laptop with windows until I figure out the difference between Windows and Mac.

Thank you for your concern in this matter. I appreciated your reply, Dave

Transferring the program from Windows to Mac was the problem. It seems that hidden characters are sent along with the Windows program. I retyped the program on my Mac and the program as shown worked.

Thanks for all the help this forum gave me on this and other problems on my project, Dave