Powering WiFi Blaster


The hookup information mentions that the system uses 3.3v for power. That’s this thing,

https://www.sparkfun.com/products/15031 and it all suggests using a specific USB to Serial adapter. I don’t have that one, I’ve already put in my only Sparkfun order for the month. So? Can I use a single Li-Po battery for powering this fellow?

I do have the regular 3.3v FTDI adapter however.

A single cell Lipo would work, but since it’s more than 3.3 volts it would need to be connected to VIN and GND. There’s an onboard voltage regulator that will drop the Lipo voltage down to 3.3 volts.

A single cell Lipo would work, but since it’s more than 3.3 volts it would need to be connected to VIN and GND. There’s an onboard voltage regulator that will drop the Lipo voltage down to 3.3 volts.


Yes that’s the conclusion I came to. However I wanted to bounce it off of all of you for a confirmation.

Incidentally starting either yesterday or sometime the day before I started seeing this legend at the top of each forum I would enter to either read the messages or to post a new one, or to reply to one:

phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file /mnt/forum-shared/ext/sitesplat/BBCore/event/listener.php on line 70: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, boolean given 
``` and for a while the forum was being seen without its characteristic colors and identification styles.


Please do not ask me to explain the meaning of "Eureka!".

Yep, we’re currently doing some maintenance on the forums so you might see a bit of weirdness for the next few days while we’re doing that. :slight_smile: