Hi, can you please tell me if this product can be powered and programmed directly via a USB cable without the Beefy 3 - FTDI Basic Breakout? From reading the hookup guide I think it can but wanted to double check.
If so, can you point me to a cable that will work? Ideally one that plugs into a USB 2/3 port rather than USB-C.
Happy New Year spark2020.
Unfortunately the WiFi IR Blaster is not USB enabled on it’s own and would require a Beefy 3 for power and programming. You could potentially hack a 5 volt USB cable to supply power via the VIN pin, but you would still need a Beefy for programming.
Life is going to be a lot easier and you don’t risk damaging the board if you just use the Beefy 3. 
Hi, thanks for your help with this. I got the Beefy 3 and have everything up and running. I now want to leave the Wifi Blaster /Beefy 3 powered on permanently without being plugged into a computer. Can I plug the micro USB cable that powers the Beefy 3 into say an Apple iPhone charger plug? Or do I need a specific plug/adaptor to only send 3.3v to the Beefy 3?
Hi spark2020.
Plugging the Beefy3 into a USB phone charger would work just fine for supplying 3.3 volt power to the IR Blaster.