Pro Micro ESP32-C3 Compile Error: "pins_arduino.h"

I am trying to run the Blink sketch on a new Pro Micro ESP32-C3 and I am getting the compile error:

fatal error: pins_arduino.h: No such file or directory
#include "pins_arduino.h"

I installed the Board Files as detailed in the Hookup Guide - Software Setup section of the website.

Does anyone know what the problem is?

That looks like an error related to an older esp32 release; wipe the folders as mentioned in that link (or this one … rduino-IDE) - be sure to perform the “Removing additional files” steps, then try re-installing/starting over and see how it goes

Thanks for your reply. I have a couple of questions:

–If the error is “related to an older esp32 release”, why do I have to remove and reinstall the Arduino IDE? I use other ESP32 modules with it without this compile error.

–“wipe the folders as mentioned in that link”, what link are you referring to?

