Problem with JTAG programmer

Hello all,

Just started working with my Olimex JTAG programmer and I’m having some trouble.

Target = Mega162, Compiling on WinAVR, Using AVRStudio 4.10 for debugging. JTAG device is connected to laptop via USB serial adaptor.

I can get the target to load and run with functional breakpoints. The problem comes in when I try to pause, reload the program, restart execution, etc. in that I occasionally get the blue screen of death and my system restarts.

I have tried disabling things such as my anti-virus & firewall as well as testing two different USB adaptors. No difference. The frustrating thing is that there is no pattern… sometimes I can go an hour without a problem, sometimes it happens on the first run.

Has anyone else experienced this or have any advice?



does this happens only when you use the JTAG or it happens when you use your serial port with other applications too?


It only happens when using the JTAG programmer under AVRStudio. Are there any other apps that I could try the programmer with?



First what Windows are you running? For example Win98 must be SE to properly use the USB.

Secondly I’ll make sure the drivers are updated.


I’m running XP Home.

Which drivers are you talking about?



Thanks for the advice so far…

One other thing that I’ve noticed is that more often than not, when the crash occurs the JTAG programmer is locked up solid and needs a power cycle.

I hope to get back to my desktop soon and hope that using a “real” serial port will clear up this problem.

Thanks again,


So after another night of scratching my head, I think I may be onto something. The problem seems to be related to projects using mixed c/asm. Particularly when single-stepping or pausing execution through the asm parts.

This only seems to be so when debugging using COFF files; ELF files seem to be OK. In fact, when using COFF files, my assembly source file is not opened in AVR Studio.

Does anyone else here do mixed c/asm WinAVR projects?




AVR-USB-JTAG using FT232 Chip USB to RS232 from FTDI

and ther is an other one FT245 USB to Parallel using the same

usb driver, when you connect the FT232 or FT245 it appers as a

serial port in windows, and i run WIndows XP.

I use the FT245 conected to a microcomputer an us it only to write

data from the microcomputer to the PC. I have no routin in the microcomputer to take care of data sent from the PC.

I open HYPER terminal and, then i sen data from the micro,

it work fast and wery good, then i type somting in the HYper windo,

Then after a while the PC REBOOT. but if i put a routin in

the micro to take car of my typing it work good.

so i think your AVR stop to take care of data the PC is sending throu

the JTAG and then your PC hang or REBOOT. i think it’s USB

Driver Problem.
