problem with MP3 breakout WT2003S

I ordered 2 MP3 breakout boards (order # 3652885) around December 1, 2018, and was successful in setting them up with an Arduino nano, and they worked fine. I then did another order (order# 5334692) for 3 more of the MP3 breakout boards. I have tried setting them up, also with Arduino nano, using the same wiring scheme, same library, and same example program, and they will not read the file on an SD microcard. The serial monitor keeps saying that there are no files or tracks on the SD card, although I have definitely loaded one.

These 2 orders are, I assume, from different batches. Has anything been changed, or is there a problem with the second batch?

Hello, and thanks for your post.

Nothing has changed between batches on this product. Have you tried swapping the card that’s on a working unit with the card that’s on a non working unit to see if that gets it playing? What size are your SD cards and how were they formatted?

Thanks for the reply. I have tried the card that works on the non-working unit, and it won’t read it, says there are zero tracks on it. The card that works in the first MP3 breakouts is a SanDisk Extreme, and I’ve tried the SanDisk Edge and the SanDisk Ultra Plus on the 2nd batch before trying the Extreme on the 2nd batch - none of them will work.

What I’d suggest is to get an older, smaller SD card. (Something in the 8 to 16 gig range would be fine.) Don’t use a card larger than 32GB.

Then, use the SD Card Association’s card formatting utility to format the card. You can find the utility at the link below.

  • Once you’ve formatted the card with the utility, put the known good MP3 files in the .zip below on the card and see if that works.

    test mp3 (100 KB)

    Thanks, I’ll try that