Problem with new Pocket AVR Programmer (SKU: PGM-09825)


I just got around to hooking up and using my new programmer.

It is being used on a Ubuntu Linux system. When the device is plugged

in, the following is displayed (regarding this device) using ‘dmesg’:

[10356.286311] usb 2-4.7.3: new low-speed USB device number 9 using ehci-pci

[10356.472426] usb 2-4.7.3: New USB device found, idVendor=1781,


[10356.472432] usb 2-4.7.3: New USB device strings: Mfr=0, Product=0,


The following LED’s are on:




I looked for a description of the LED’s on your web site, but couldn’t

spot it. My goal is to be able to program a couple of Arduino Uno boards.

Might I have a defective programmer?

Thank you.

Kind regards,

Michael Picco

Hi, and thanks for your post!

Nothing sounds defective and what you’re seeing sounds normal. Have you read through our [hookup guide for the programmer? These are designed to be used with the Arduino IDE software and AVRdude but might work with other software.


The D+ and D- LEDs are to regulate voltage on the USB connectors data lines but will also flicker when data is being transmitted across the USB bus.

Stat1 lights up to indicate the programmer is ready.

Stat2 lights up during programming and is just an indicator that the programmer is busy.](Pocket AVR Programmer Hookup Guide - SparkFun Learn)