Problem with Tiny13 Input

I have the tiny 13 chip working as a speed controller with 1 input and two outputs. I now want to add a second channel which involves using PortB5 as an input and it doesn’t seem to work. I have found I need to unplug the ISP programmer as this uses this pin as the reset for programming. As a test all I did was moved the input signal from B4 to B5 and changed the input mask from 10h to 20h. I have written 0Fh to the DDR which should configure both 4 and 5 as inputs. Is there something more I need to do because this pin doubles as the hardware reset.

I am not sure if this is relevant but on a mega48 I used a couple days ago there was a fuse called something like “disable reset pin function / use pin as general IO” in the fuses list in AVR Studio. You may want to check and see if that is the case for your chip.

:!: Beware :!: If you disable the reset pin, you can no longer use serial programming (aka ICSP) to program the device. You must use a parallel programmer (more $$$$) to program at that point.

If you haven’t found it yet, I’d highly recommend that you check out [AVR Freaks. I’ve never seen a community help forum like it - I switched from pic to avr just because of that place!


oh yeah, good point! The ICSP needs to put the MCU into reset and then immediately start talking to it in order to work.

I also recommend, great site.

Thanks for the help as you said I would need to disable the reset and this would make further reprogramming difficult. I now need to add more IO anyway so I think I will use two processors at £ 0.75 it won’t exactly break the bank.