Problems in RTK Express plus's Display


We have Express plus units and we released that the displays showed the same number of satellites and accuracy during the whole time of testing, however, when we checked the data in Ublox we saw that the accuracy and the number of satellites changed during the testing, for example, during the surveying, the display showed that we reached an accuracy of 14 mm (RTK Fixed Mode) and it didn’t change in the whole test, however, during post-processing we realized that the accuracy changed to 3D and float, which was not desirable.

Any hint is greatly appreciated,


Because the device can reach nearly static conditions, there is an icon designed into the lower right corner to indicate activity. It’s a bar that is in continuous animation. Did the activity bar run during your tests or did it freeze?

What version of the firmware are you running?

Hello @sparky,

The bar run during the tests and the devices have the HPS1.21 firmware

hmm, the display is not frozen. Do you have steps that I can use to reproduce the issue?