Problems linking XBee Shield to Arduino Zero

Hi there,

Hope you’re doing well.

I am trying to get two XBee3 modules to communicate with one another, one is on a XBee explorer USB and the other on an XBee shield which is connected to my Arduino Zero. Every part is brand new and just assembled together today.

I am having problems getting the devices to be discovered or added in any way in XCTU.

I tried setting both up using just the Explorer USB, since I thought that would be simplest. The first time it worked fine. On each subsequent attempt, it has me try to manually reset the device (which does nothing, regardless of using the jumper method or just pressing the button), and then I go through the damaged radio module wizard, at which I can get the XBee to update. I update to XB3-24, function Digi XBee3 802.15.4TH with the latest firmware version. However, I still can’t add the XBee to my devices when the recovery finishes. It still has me try to manually reset it. I can try to use the discovery tool, which also doesn’t detect the XBee, regardless of settings.

Previously, only one XBee worked using this method. Now, neither of them do. The most common error I get is that the XBee has no bootloader.

Now, if I try to use the Arduino Zero (with native USB port) to configure the XBee’s, I get an error discovering device. “Could not find any device in port COM10 > PutData1: Sent only 0 of 1 bytes”. If I attempt to use the recovery tool, I get an error updating the radio firmware:

"- Looking for active bootloader… [ERROR]

There is not an active bootloader in the module.

  • Resetting and entering bootloader… [ERROR]

PutData1: Sent only 0 of 1 bytes"

Once that message closes, it tells me “There is not an active bootloader in the module.”

This occurs for both XBees when attached to the XBee shield. Interestingly, both XBees, when in the XBee shield, have a blinking green DIO5 light, though I have no other XBees around.

I have no idea what to do. I’ve done everything according to the XBee tutorial guides, but it hasn’t done much.

If it helps, I am using the XBee’s to communicate data measured using the Arduino Zero over to the other XBee, at which point it will save to a computer using PuTTy. The Arduino Zero will also eventually have an SD card shield attached; I have an SD breakout board but need the pins that it takes. The Zero will write straight to the SD card.

Thanks for your time.

Now, if I try to use the Arduino Zero (with native USB port) to configure the XBee’s, I get an error discovering device. “Could not find any device in port COM10 > PutData1: Sent only 0 of 1 bytes”. If I attempt to use the recovery tool, I get an error updating the radio firmware:

I think you need to program your xbees on an explorer first.