I have been trying to set up a wireless connection with my XBee 3’s using the tutorial here: https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/ex … s-and-xctu and I have been running into issues with discovering the XBees in the XCTU software. I thought it may be driver issues at first, because I have been having problems with the CH340 drivers on my Redboard Qwiics. However, I have been having the same issue of not being able to discover one of the Xbee devices even when I use my other older Redboard that is not a Qwiic – which has FTDI drivers that have not given me any trouble before. In order to discover the devices, I have been plugging in one XBee3 into an XBee explorer which is being found in the XCTU software. The XBee3 that I have been plugging into the XBee shield, however, has never been able to be found on my computer despite showing up in device manager just fine.
I am fairly new to this so I would appreciate any help you can give me!