XBee3 Discovery Issues


I have been trying to set up a wireless connection with my XBee 3’s using the tutorial here: https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/ex … s-and-xctu and I have been running into issues with discovering the XBees in the XCTU software. I thought it may be driver issues at first, because I have been having problems with the CH340 drivers on my Redboard Qwiics. However, I have been having the same issue of not being able to discover one of the Xbee devices even when I use my other older Redboard that is not a Qwiic – which has FTDI drivers that have not given me any trouble before. In order to discover the devices, I have been plugging in one XBee3 into an XBee explorer which is being found in the XCTU software. The XBee3 that I have been plugging into the XBee shield, however, has never been able to be found on my computer despite showing up in device manager just fine.

I am fairly new to this so I would appreciate any help you can give me!

XCTU isn’t able to configure an XBee while it’s on a shield, you need to plug it into the XBee Explorer and configure it there. Once configured, it can be put back on the shield.

XCTU isn’t able to configure an XBee while it’s on a shield, you need to plug it into the XBee Explorer and configure it there. Once configured, it can be put back on the shield.

Do I need 2 explorers to be able to configure my XBee3s? The kit that I purchased came with one explorer and a shield

You only need one.

Plug in XBee A and configure it, remove the XBee and plug in XBee B and configure that.

They remember the configuration once removed from the Explorer.