Problems with SPI and lpc2103


I have problems with the SPI on my Olimex LPC2103 board.

int main(void)
  systemInit(); // PLL, MAM, VPB
  PCB_PINSEL0 |= (1<<8)|(1<<10)|(1<<12)|(1<<14); //Pin Select für SPI0

  //Init SPI0
  SPI_SPCCR = 16;
  SPI_SPCR = (1<<2) | (1<<3) | (1<<5) | (1<<7) | (1<<11);

  SPI_SPDR = 0x11; //write to dataregister
  while (!(SPI_SPSR & 0x80)); // wait for datatransfer to be completed

I’ve connected the SSEL (Pin0.7) to 3.3V. As I can see with my debugger, the value of SPI_SPSR (0xE0020004) changes to 0x80 after the write access to SPI_SPDR, but the program is hanging in the while loop.

I hope someone can help me, as I really don’t know what I’m doing wrong.

regards, Tobias