SPI on lpcH2129


I have a problem with the spi0 on a board lpcH2129, I work with µVISION,

the code seems to me correct, but does not work, I sees anything (noise) on the pines spi with the oscillo.

I you joint the code if somebody can help me

thank you

#include <LPC21xx.H> // LPC21xx definitions

static void Write(unsigned char val)


IOSET0 = 0x00000080; //

S0SPDR = val; // sent first byte

while(!(S0SPSR & 0x80)); // wait for end of transfer

IOCLR0 = 0x00000080; //


static void SPI_Init(void)


IODIR0 |= 0x00000080; // for SSEL

IOCLR0 = 0x00000080; //

PINSEL0 |= 0x00001500; // pin config, whithout SSEl

S0SPCCR = 12; // SCK = 1 MHz,

S0SPCR = 0x28; // master mode, MSB first, no interrupt


int main (void)








From user manual:

Note: LPC2119/2129/2194/2292/2294 configured to operate as SPI master MUST select

SSEL functionality on an apropriate pin and have HIGH level on this pin in order to act

as a master.

Maybe this is your problem?


I read that in the lpch2129 datacheet but, it is necessary to put pine SSEL in the high state by software or by puttingin it directly 5v


thank you for the assistance

it was necessary to put pine SSEL has 3.3V on the hardware and not by the software.