i’m use spi interface but it not work
this my initSpi code
PINSEL0 &= 0xFFFF0000;
PINSEL0 |= BIT8; //P0.4 --> SCK0
PINSEL0 |= BIT12; //P0.6 --> MOSI0
S0SPCCR = 20; //SPI Clock = 60MHz / 20 = 3MHz
// SPI0 Control Register
S0SPCR &= 0x000000F7; // CPHA = 0 = Rising Clock Shift Data
S0SPCR &= 0x000000EF; // CPOL = 0 = Normal Clock "0",Active = "1"
S0SPCR |= 0x00000020; // MSTR = 1 = Master SPI
S0SPCR |= 0x00000040;
//S0SPCR &= 0xFFFFFFBF; // LSBF = 0 = MSB First
S0SPCR &= 0x0000007F; // SPIE = 0 = Disable SPI Interrupt
and set port7 is CS Pin
port 5 is RESET Pin
IODIR0 |= BIT7; //Chip Select Pin Port0.7
IODIR0 |= BIT5; //Reset Pin Port0.5
Delay (10000);
Delay (10000);
and test to change color in some pixel but it’not work
anyone help me plz!