Process RTCM frames SparkFun GPS-RTK-SMA Breakout - ZED-F9P

Good morning,

I am using these two modules:



My doubt is, instead of sending the RTCM frames by radio, if I use a websockets communication parsing the frame in the base and sending it to the rover as a string, is the receiver module (rover) able to process this data to enter RTK mode?

Does anyone have any idea about this and can help me?

Thank you very much in advance. Best regards,

I’m on the same issue currently. I have the same Rover module, but I’m receiving the RTCM frames via ESP32 + GSM module from a public source / API.

It seems to work - kinda. I’m communicating via Serial with the F9P to get the geo location (NMEA message) to pass it to the public API and start receiving the RTCM message. Than I “pipe” them back to the F9P using the same Serial interface. The RTK LED starts to blink, but it seems the ESP32 does not get any location updates anymore. It seems like I can not use the same Serial connection for both - getting location and sending back RTCM message. But I’m not sure. This is where I am currently. :wink:

I would like to help you - if I can somehow. Do you need my code - but as I said, it’s not fully working (and not cleaned up or even optimised).

