Project already added to cart error - Can not place order


I am trying to place an A La Carte order but I am getting “Project has already been added to cart. Changes cannot be made!” after I accept the terms and conditions. I can not get to a screen to place an order. Is this service still active?

Maybe there is already an ALC project in your cart? Orders (and shopping carts) are limited to one ALC project at a time). If there’s already an ALC project in the cart you can either complete the purchase or remove the project that is in there already. After that they should be able to add the other project

If not, maybe try clearing your cookies too?

Thanks for replying. For the life of me I can’t find any button that looks like a cart. I’ll try some other browsers.

I tried incognito and cloned the project. On first attempt to place and order I get an error, on second attempt I get the “Already in cart” error, there is no icon of a cart anywhere.

I added a screenshot of the parts list

Do you get the same error when you try to select these parts?

I’m not sure what else it could be; even though it’s a hassle at this point I might try making a 2nd account/using a whole different browser or PC?