
To Whom it Concern,

We have been using these 12V displays (PRT-14313) for some time now. We have had pretty good luck with them; however we have seen a lot of returns coming back with missing lines on the LED. What could be causing this? We put these in weather tight enclosures, outside. Could it be heat or UV that is killing them? Any help would be appreciated.


It could be anything, really…are the faulty units new at the time? My first guess would be if they are under/overdriving them, or other physical issue…especially if all of the LED segments work as expected initially

I would also wonder if there are any obvious components on the back that appear out-of-order

They are in working condition when they leave. What would be considered under or over driving? Minimum voltage they would see is roughly 10V and maximum is about 17V. What is the Maximum amperage they can see?


It would be interesting to see whether the failure is at the driver or the segment itself.

Regardless, they’re still broken. For what these cost, I’d say you’re on borrowed time after something like a hundred hours. If it’s important they last a long time (outdoors!), you’ll want to find a more robust technique for this measurement and display.