Pulse Oximeter and Heart Rate Monitor powering off


My board has another device with the same MAX32664 I2C address, so I’m trying to power off MAX32664 by resetting RST, use the other device (which was already powered off), and set high RST line of MAX32664. My problem is when I set high RST of MAX32664 and initialize again it (by the same functions as I use at the beggining of the code, in setup() function, all parameters that are read are 0.

I need to know what is the proper way of powering off the device while is in use and initilize it again.

Thank you!


I have the very same question. Is there a way to shutdown the maxim chips? Or at the very least set sensitivity to 0% or something similar ( eg. no object / finger detection resp LED activation ) .

My context is ArduinoLowpower on a Arduino MKR 1010. Currently everything goes to sleep smoothly with exception of the oximeter. I haven’t figured out a way to interact with the reset pin.


We don’t currently have this functionality in our GitHub repo. However, in the user guide https://cdn.sparkfun.com/assets/2/e/2/1/9/AN6806.pdf, there is a method to kick the Bio Hub into sleep mode on page 34 (Table 11). If you figure out how to implement this functionality, we would love to hear your feedback. If you have a solution please feel free to file a GitHub issue (https://github.com/sparkfun/SparkFun_Bi … ary/issues) and we’ll get to it as soon as possible.