Purchase & Build: Need help with capturing Myoware 2.0 data via bluetooth

I am new to this forum. I am looking for help with following:

  1. I need a list of items to purchase to collect sensor data with Myoware 2.0 and transfer it to a laptop via bluetooth.

  2. I need pointers to a tested hardware hookup diagram for this setup.


You might be looking for this kit https://www.sparkfun.com/products/21269 and its hookup guide https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/ge … -ecosystem (which shows how to use each sensor)

Thanks, but this kit does not bluetooth transmission components. This ( https://www.sparkfun.com/wish_lists/167 … C42MC4wLjA. ) may be the component list but could not find a hook-up diagram. Can you help??

There’s only one for the kit that we pre-package; but it will be very similar but using the files/folders to the Redboard Artemis in your wish list’s guide https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/ho … rd-artemis (combined with the above)

You could also use the 6-pin header in the kit I linked with a BT 6 pin module to do the same :slight_smile:

Thanks a bunch for the pointers and resource links. This can help me get started.

Can you point me to a hookup diagram for this item list (https://www.sparkfun.com/wish_lists/167 … OS4yLjAuMA… )?