question about MAX30100 series board

Hi all.

  1. can the MAX30100 be able to connect to any pins of ESP32 which configured by wire.h as I2C pin? or can only connected to default I2C pin?

  2. are there ant Libraries be able to used for all MAX30100 series board? or just need indicated MAX3010x?



1)As far as I know, only D21 and D22 pins will do.

2)With sparkfun Max3010x pulse and proximity sensor library, you can connect all boards of the series with ESP32. … -max30102/

Thank you.

that means it is no possible to make TTGO S3 +MAX30010x pulse oximeter monitor? because TTGO S3 don’t have a default I2C.

do you have any other oximeter modules can be connected to software I2C?