I have two of these, one is virtually brand new, but sat on my shelf for over a year. The other was in service for 2 years. They both worked but I am running into a custom install issue.
I have been working on bringing these over the HA. Easy enough for the rain gauge and the speed sensors. BUT I cannot get the direction sensor to work 100%. I am not using a board from sparkfun instead option for a much lower profile hand built voltage divider. Though I do have a board. With both the board and with the hand built divider only half of the direction sensor is working. That is, I am getting measurements from 180 degrees of the full rotation and the other half is reading 4654.1 ohms. I have taken it apart to see and ensure the read switches are in fact firing. They are. I am curious could this be a by product of running it off of 3.3V or perhaps another issue? The device is simple enough, I do not see any damage on either, and def. not anything that would cause both to act the same way.
I am curious if you or anyone has any advice cause I am kind of stuck.