Question on IoT Weather Station kit


I recently purchased an Arduino IoT Weather Station kit (KIT-22636). I have now started looking at this and I have a question. I see that the kit comes with a Wind Vane, Cup Anemometer and Tipping Bucket Rain Gauge. All of these sensors come with an RJ-11 cable. On the MicroMod Weather Carrier board I see only two RJ11 jacks. How I’m supposed to connect the 3 sensors (2 wind and 1 rain)? Sorry for the naive question I’ve just started playing with kit and this was the first question poped up when I opened the box. I searched for a video showing how to connect these 3 sensors on the MicroMod Weather Carrier board but i didn’t find any. Thanks a lot for your time.


I was thinking also the RJ-11 splitter. I’ll give it a try. Thanks a lot for the response and the page you provided. It has some nice ideas there.

The correct answer to your question can be found below. … okup-guide