Possible to extend weather:bit rain and wind leads with RJ11 cable?

I’d like to set up the weather station from the micro:climate kit outdoors, with the micro:bit indoors.

Do you know if it is possible to extend the rain and wind leads using regular RJ11 cables?

I actually tried it with 25ft cables, and it doesn’t seem to work. I don’t actually need 25ft, 10ft is probably enough. Any thoughts on whether that would work?

(Everything is working otherwise, I’m getting accurate readings with the cables plugged directly into the micro:bit)


So long as they are pin to pin compatible then they should work. Sometimes with long cables data can get funky. Is the 25’ cable shielded?

It sounds like you already have your answer(???):

I actually tried it with 25ft cables, and it doesn’t seem to work.

As Brandon mentions, the wiring needs to match up correctly. To my knowledge, [telephone wiring was pin-to-pin, which should work. Maybe you have a different style cable or coupler (this is something you should be able to test with a multimeter).](http://www.westernet.net/Help/RJ45.htm)