Qwic motor driver

I received two of these this last Saturday. Order number 5959816

One works no problem, the other locks up with verifiing an ID?

Back of this unit had some additional solder on it.

Please advise. Recommend just replacing it.

Shipping Address

Tom Kibalo

4650 Links Village Drive


Ponce Inlet Florida 32127



Hi Tom.

What kind of additional solder are you referring too? Can you post a photo showing the back of both boards? Have you modified anything on the boards?

I only took a picture of the part I am having trouble with, the other had been already mounted on my robot, iy would br too much trouble to disassembly the robot now as i am in debug.

Note pin 3 and 2 for address 9(solder on both that i did not do) I buzzed these pins and 3 is shorted and 2 is not. i then used address 0x5d ( which works on my first unit) and then address 0x61 ( just in case) -neither worked.

hope this helps.

Not sure how that happened, but I’ll get a replacement sent out ASAP!

Replacement ticket # 22789 has been issued. A customer service representative will process the ticket and send a replacement out free of charge using a similar shipping method you used for your original order. You should also receive an E-mail notification that the replacement is on the way. Please do not send your device(s) back.

Thank you FYI the motor driver that works has no additional soldering on it

High regards,
