The CHANGE_ADDRESS command is supported for Arduino but is missing in the python package, which is the one I need for controlling several qwiic dual solid state relays using a Raspberry Pi. I see that this command is implemented in the ATtiny84 firmware, so I have to believe it should be possible to make it work using Python just as easily as it can for Arduino.
I have searched in the Qwiic System area of Sparkfun Community for any help with this but have not found anything of help.
Possible solutions I have thought about;
- Rebuild the ATtiny84 firmware with a new default I2C address and flash it (risks bricking a $60 board if I screw up)
- Try to send a CHANGE_ADDRESS command bare metal using pigpio or roll-your-own I2C code (also risks bricking)
- Get a qwiic Arduino red board and do it in C. I found an example of this for a qwiic LCD board.
- Fgure out if it’s possible to do idea #3 in C natively on the Pi and not have to learn Arduino from square zero
I need to get going quickly on a fix for this dilemma. Thanks for helping.