Double check your transmit frequency. Put the unit into continuous carrier mode to measure it. Check both transmitter and receiver. I’ll check the other registers against working code.
On another note,I remember a group of boards that I was testing with a power supply that would spike when turned off. The over voltage did something to the output circuitry of the transmitter. Range sucked, a few yards, but it did work! It took me a couple of days to trouble shoot that one.
I have somewhat a similar problem. I have two CC1100 communicating at 250kbs but it does not work well unless I bring my hand closer to the antenna the system start communicating excellent. The funny things is that I only need to bring my hand closer to one of the units and then all starts working fine.
Two issues. One is that the units might be too close, the other is that your sync routine in not aligned. What kind of range are you getting?If you are sending valid packets, then there might be something you are doing after a failure, like flushing the buffer, or resetting something that is allowing the receive unit to work properly.