Rasperyy Pi

Are detailed set-up instructions available for mounting your Zed F9P board on raspberry pi instead on Arduino?

Hi Meronmos,

Unfortunately, no, we do not have set-up instructions for using either of our RTK GPS Breakouts on the Raspberry Pi. You should be able to connect it to a Pi over USB and view data with a terminal program but u-center is a Windows-only software so you will need to configure the board manually. The [UBX and NMEA Protocol Manual will have the most complete information for configuring the ZED-F9P via the UBX protocol.

If you are not familiar with configuring this or other GPS modules with UBX/NMEA protocols, we recommend using the ZED-F9P on a Windows machine with u-center or using it with an Arduino and the [SparkFun U-blox library.](GPS-RTK2 Hookup Guide - SparkFun Learn)](https://cdn.sparkfun.com/assets/learn_tutorials/8/5/6/ZED-F9P_UBX_NMEA_and_RTCM_protocols.pdf)