I would like to use high resolution gps for autonomous scale car (rc) racing using the DonkeyCar framework (https://www.donkeycar.com). I have a SparkFun GPS-RTK-SMA Breakout - ZED-F9P (Qwiic) and an L1/L2 active antenna. I am hoping I can achieve high precision gps coordinates without needing to purchase a second F9P board to use as a base station. My RC car has a RaspberryPi with Wifi connectivity, so it is capable of connecting to an NTRIP server (we have good wifi at the track); I have several UNAVCO stations near me. I can get a fix using my Windows PC and u-center sofware, so I know my UNAVCO credentials are working. I would like to use RTKLIB console tools running on the RaspberryPi to take the NTRIP feed from UNAVCO and create high precision NMEA which I would consume using python code running on the RaspberryPi, reading from a serial port. I can access the Sparkfun F9P using USB and/or serial uarts on the gpio pins. Hardware hookup is no problem, but I have no idea how to setup the RTKLIB console apps; the hookup guide mentions RTKLIB but does not give any detail. The RTKLIB documentation is not helpful. This forum discussion https://forum.sparkfun.com/viewtopic.ph … IB#p203362 provides a few hints, but still vague and the configuration file link can no longer be accessed. This forum discussion is very close to what I want to do, but the answer is so vague it is not useful https://forum.sparkfun.com/viewtopic.ph … IB#p232824. Any help or experience you could provide would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
The link worked for me https://pastebin.com/sk2t23ba - try that? Let me know if it still doesn’t work and I can copy/paste the whole thing
Yes, that worked. I’m not sure why it was not working yesterday; it was actually giving a 503, so probably an issue with pastebin. Thanks.
So any advice o how to setup a rover with just the NTRIP server?
Here is what I have done:
FP9-UART2 is the corrections port on the Sparkfun GPS-RTK-SMA Breakout ZED-F9P
This port is setup to input UBX, NMEA and RCTM3
This port is setup to output RCTM3
FP9-USB port
- This port is setup to input and output UBX, NMEA and RTCM3
GPIO is the 40 GPIO bus on the SBC (RaspberryPi or Jetson Nano)
Board pin 6 is GND
Board pin 8 is TX for UART-2, which is serial port /dev/ttyTHS1
Board pin 10 is RX for UART-2
Pin-6 <---> GND
Pin-8 <---> UART2-RX
Pin-10 <---> UART2-TX
USB <---> USB
Software setup
Use u-center to set the FP9 UART-2 to 230400 baud
Set the RPi/Jetson Nano serial port to 230400 baud
sudo stty -F /dev/ttyTHS1 clocal raw speed 230400
- Run str2str on the RPi to get corrections from UNAVCO and send them to the FP9 via UART2
./str2str -in ntrip://USERNAME:PASSWORD[@rtgpsout.unavco.org](mailto:<EMAIL email="9tK87DEb@rtgpsout.unavco.org">9tK87DEb@rtgpsout.unavco.org</EMAIL>):2101/P200_RTCM3 -out serial://ttyTHS1:230800:8:n:1
- Read NMEA messages on USB serial port, /dev/ttyACM0
With this setup I never get to float mode on the FP9; the led says solidly lit. Perhaps the pin connections in this setup are not correct or I need to change the messages that go in and out on F9P UART-2.
If I change this up a bit and stream the corrections to the F9P USB serial port instead of UART-2, I can float, but it never goes to fixed.
As mention before, I can quickly get to float then fixed on my Windows PC if I connect the F9P to USB and I run u-center and setup the NTrip client settings to use UNAVCO. This is with the same antenna in the same exact position.
Am I using str2str correctly? Is there any particular messages or message types I have to setup? Is there any additional settings, like base position, that I have to pass? Does the stream between UNAVCO and F9P need to be bidirectional?
There is a typo in the str2str command, it should be:
- Run str2str on the RPi to get corrections from UNAVCO and send them to the FP9 via UART2
./str2str -in ntrip://USERNAME:<EMAIL email="PASSWORD@rtgpsout.unavco.org">PASSWORD@rtgpsout.unavco.org</EMAIL>:2101/P200_RTCM3 -out serial://ttyTHS1:230800:8:n:1
The mailto crap was not supposed to be there.
Update: I got a fix on the Jetson Nano by streaming RTCM3 to the USB serial port and reading the NMEA from UART2. In 100 samples I got range of 2.5 cm. So there is some issue with how UART2 is setup on the F9P module; if I use that to send the RTCM3 to the module then I never even get to float; but I can read NMEA from it fine. Well, I have a solution for now; I can do some tests later to figure out the UART2/RTCM3 issues. This is what worked;
./str2str -in ntrip://USERNAME:PASSWORD@rtgpsout.unavco.org:2101/P200_RTCM3 -out serial://ttyACM0:230400:8:n:1
Then read NMEA messages from /dev/ttyTHS1
See this discussion in the RTKLIB issues https://github.com/tomojitakasu/RTKLIB/issues/659
Hi Ezward,
You might want to check what protocols are enabled on UART2, In and Out. They default is: In: RTCM3 + SPARTN; Out: RTCM3 (only). (See attached image.)
If you are outputting NMEA on UART2, check that you still have RTCM3 enabled for input and haven’t accidentally disabled it.
Best wishes,
Basically I found that the serial port exposed on the jetson nano GPIO bus is unreliable with input from str2str. Same issue on a RaspberryPi. However, I did get it to work reliably after mapping another hardware UART (5 available on Rpi-4) to the GPIO bus and using that as the input. See here https://github.com/tomojitakasu/RTKLIB/issues/659