Razor 9 DoF - Overritten in MATLAB as Arduino Zero, now IMU doesn't work

I tried to connect the Razor 9 DoF to MATLAB and I wrote the Arduino object as MKRZero, now it sees my IMU as an Arduino Zero or in device manager just as an USB connection

How can I restore it to its functionality?

Also what is the correct way to connect it to MATLAB?

Thank you so much!

Hello BTD.

You’d need to compile and upload the original firmware to the board using the Arduino IDE following the directions in our [hookup guide Unfortunately we don’t have any direction on using the Razor with MATLAB so I can’t help you on that part.](9DoF Razor IMU M0 Hookup Guide - SparkFun Learn)

Thank you, it was helpful!

It works now and I’m taking its output in MATLAB as a Serial, like this example uses, if further users ask :slight_smile:

https://github.com/fbuloup/sparkfun9DOF … ab_Example