Reading bending strain in two directions with HX711 amplifier


I want to measure the strain of a bending beam in a battery supplied application. For this reason I am thinking of using HX711 amplifier shield before connecting the bridge to my Nucleo F334R8 microprocessor .

I am thinking of using a half bridge configuration (thus 2 strain gages will be used in opossites sides of the beam)

My question is whether HX711 amplifier will be able to identify the direction of the bending (which gage is stretched and which is compressed) ?

From what I understand Wheatstone bridge output voltage will be positive in one case and negative in the second case, right ? If yes, how are HX711 able to measure the change in the sign of the voltage?

(HX711 connects to one digital pin and one pwm pin)

From what I understand Wheatstone bridge output voltage will be positive in one case and negative in the second case, right ?

Yep, that is correct.

If yes, how are HX711 able to measure the change in the sign of the voltage?

Your readings will either be increasing or decreasing.