Resolving issues with WinARM on Windows 10

Yes, I still have a copy of WinARM from back in the day. In trying to build code for the Logomatic V2 using WinARM on a Windows 10 machine, I encountered these errors:

main.c:62: fatal error: opening dependency file .dep/main.o.d: No such file or directory
0 [main] sh 10304 sync_with_child: child 9544(0x118) died before initialization with status code 0x0

This was covered previously in topics viewtopic.php?t=12016 and viewtopic.php?t=14692, both now archived and locked. No resolution was found other than running under Windows XP.

I resolved this issue under Windows 10 by installing Cygwin, adding Cygwin64\bin to the system PATH variable, and removing all but make.exe from WinARM\utils\bin. I can now build the Logomatic V2 firmware without error and the binary is identical to the one from GitHub.