RF-24G and BASIC Stamp?

Anyone using these modules with a Stamp? I’m presuming I won’t run into any roadblocks :wink:


It’s possible, just very slow. I dunno if Stamps allow you to emulate an SPI interface or not - may be a little faster.

I haven’t touched a stamp since I maxed out the capabilities after a few days of tinkering. Awesome way to learn, but difficult to expand.


I’m using Stamp 2P24s…which are 3* the speed of the original. Although using SHIFTIN and SHIFTOUT is a royal pain.

I also have the IDE/programmer for the Ubicom chips, so could probably build an SX-based controller that does takes serial pseudo-RS232 input and then drives the 3-wire RF-24G interface and vice versa. Might actually be a fun little project :wink:

Unfortunately I don’t have a PIC programmer and very little experience with PICs :frowning:
