RFID M6E-NANO reader Antenna jumpers

Dear Sparfun developers,

please confirm that jumpers on the picture are correct. https://videos.indysoft.com/7KuPvBo0

These are the right solder blobs to use, currently selecting INTERNAL antenna

Dear Paulvha,

please confirm that unsoldering(switching OFF) those for INTERNAL antenna and soldering(switching ON) for the the EXTERNAL - should work right.

What external antenna is preferable? we have this one https://www.sparkfun.com/products/14131

for soldering: I confirm that is the way to enable an external antenna. with respect to your antenna until recently I would have said “yes” that is the right one. However recently someone else had a different experience as his RFID tags expected another type of antenna: viewtopic.php?f=118&t=55145

Hi Paul,

can you please share what type of tags are guaranteed to be read by UHF RFID Antenna (RP-TNC) https://www.sparkfun.com/products/14131

The shield will only read EPCglobal Gen 2 (ISO 18000-6C) tags.

that is correct. I can read the EPCglobal Gen 2 (ISO 18000-6C) tags when on INTERNAL antenna. But as soon switch to EXTERNAL UHF RFID Antenna (RP-TNC) - nothing can be read. I use as Jadak as by Mercury API and it reads on internal antenna.

I do solder EXTERNAL antenna jumper and unsolder INTERNAL antenna jumper. There is a contact between EXTERNAL antenna jumper and interior wire of u.FL connector. There is a contact between ground and ground of u.FL connector.

What resistance should be between wires of u.FL?

what recommendation can you give? can the external antenna be false? What can I use to check signal presence and amplitude on the u.FL connector to troubleshoot the issue?

Can I exchange antenna or RFID reader with Sparkfun?

You might have a damaged or defective antenna. I don’t have one handy to check but you should probably be seeing no connection between the center wire in the coax and the outer shield.

Where you place your tags matters too, they should be in front of the antenna and not off to the sides.

>I don’t have one handy to check but you should probably be seeing no connection between the center wire in the coax and the outer shield.

that’s what I’ve noticed, that DC resistance between center wire in the coax and the outer shield of EXTERNAL antenna aims for infinity. What a normal resistance should be?

there should be NO resistance between internal and outer shield. so that is good. Which tags do you have ?

I have EPCglobal Gen 2 (ISO 18000-6C) https://videos.indysoft.com/Jru4XOn8

I can read these tang by INTERNAL antenna(when Jumper for INTERNAL is soldered and EXTERNAL is off) with 5dbm, on 2-5 sm away from the Reader. They are more sensitive If I selected region is NA2,EU3,PRC

What tool do you recommend to troubleshoot that signal from SparkFun M6E-Nano reader reaches antenna?

please watch this video https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QUb8Q1 … sp=sharing as confirmation, that there is a signal is coming out go u.FL connector, but coaxial cable and antenna can be an issue.

Can you recommend to measure Impedance of antenna ?

It looks like you have the M6E connected directly to your scope and the scope is showing a signal so it looks like everything is fine up to the scope. I suspect you have a bad antenna. Not sure what you need to measure the antennas impedance but it’s supposed to be 50 ohms at it’s rated frequency.

I’m starting to think you have a damaged or defective antenna. If you purchased the antenna directly off our website, just [fill in the form on this page with your order number and the URL to this forum post and we can replace it for you.

If you purchased from a distributor or Amazon you will need to let them know you have a defective product and arrange with them for an exchange.](Return Policy - SparkFun Electronics)

thank you looking at our case sir.

I’m confused for a moment though. Got out of box recommended https://www.amazon.com/MTI-MT-242043-Ou … 199&sr=8-1 recommended antenna and therefore none of tags are visible even at 27db, also tried metal Confidex steelwave Micro II 3000587 tags, with no success.

I’m waiting ordered Vulcan RFID power meter.

Can you suggest any UHF amplifier?

I can’t suggest an amplifier but that antenna should work with our board.

Are you absolutely certain that you have the right RF connectors throughout the entire cable?

Dear TS-Cris,

we just tested Sparkfun UHF RFID Antenna (RP-TNC) with another out of the box RFID reader and it works fine. So this lives us only confirmation that M6E-Nano chip is malfunctioning with power issue, or antenna impedance requires reconciliation with output of M6E-Nano. We can return the device back but hope to get working device back and develop using this model. please advice.

Please see my earlier post in this thread for instructions on how to initiate a return.

Hi Chris

you told:

Are you absolutely certain that you have the right RF connectors throughout the entire cable?

Unfortunately that instruction did not focus me well, as it give no particular details how to make sure the wire cut.

The issue is solved! Problem was:

I use wrong u.FL to SMA to FEMALE connector!

That is laughable. I spent couple of week when discovered that I just using Female-to-Female connectors. Now, replacing MALE-to-FEMALE u.FL->SMA connector reader works with EXTERNAL antenna!

I’m apologizing for the mess,


No problem Dmitry, glad you have it working!