RFID Reader M6E Nano on Raspberry Pi via USB?

Hi and hello to the forum,

is it possible to connect the Reader to a Rapsberry PI via USB? For a project I would like to use it with processing together with a dot matrix display which needs the serial connection. I would also use it with processing / Java and wonder if this would work. Any information appreciated.

Many thanks!


Yes, you could connect the M6E to a Pi via a USB to serial adapter but we don’t have any software or libraries for the Pi to make it work. As long as you wrote your own code it should function.

An alternative would be to put the M6E shield on an Arduino and have the Arduino do the processing for you. That way the Arduino could spit out data to the Pi via USB for further processing. You’d probably need to externally power the M6E shield though, it draws a fair amount of current and might brown out the Pi.

you can use the setup as Chris proposed or use the extended Jadak/Thingmagic MercuryAPI package. It is very complete, programming can be in C, CS or Java. It compiles on RPI and has a number of examples : https://www.jadaktech.com/resources/rfi … tware=apis.

The not so good news is the lack of good documentation to get started. Sometime ago I have documented how to get started : https://github.com/paulvha/ThingMagic/t … ingstarted

Many thanks Chris and Paul for your replies and recommendations. I will look into the Jadak/Thingmagic and your documentation, Paul. The Arduino / Raspberry solution could be an option, too.