I’m trying to build a new component footprint for the sparkfun RGB LEDs (part# COM-00105) in Altium designer, and the data sheet doesn’t seem to give the pin spacing or size. I looked at the Eagle files from the sparkfun button pads, but the LED spacing seems to be pretty wide (2.54mm or 100mil apart) and the through holes seem to be about 1mm or 40mil. I found a kingbright 5mm RGB LED data sheet that has spacing info, but its considerably smaller (which would be better for my project). The pins are 1.27mm or 50mil apart, and the pins seem to be about 0.7mm or 27.55mil wide. Which one should I go with? My gut says the Kingbright is the right size, but then again doesn’t the sparkfun PCB use the COM-00105 RGB LEDs?
Any help would be greatly appreciated,
5mm T1-3/4 RGB LED’s are 4-pin with 0.05" spacing, for square 0.028" pins (x1.414) use a 0.040" hole size. Some LED’s have pre-formed leads to get wider spacing, but this is rare.
The SparkFun datasheet has no lead sizing specs
Pins 3 and 4 are switched in the datasheet; pin 3 is blue, pin 4 is green. [COM-00105 RGB LED
5mm T1-3/4 ordinary LED’s are 2-pin with 0.1" spacing, 0.020" to 0.028" square leads.
For square 0.020" pins, use a 0.028" hole size. For square 0.028" pins, use a 0.040" hole size.
Also, check out this post [“First board sadness” although his RGB leds look different though… fat round pins. You might wanna contact allanw and check.](http://forum.sparkfun.com/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=21219)](http://www.sparkfun.com/commerce/product_info.php?products_id=105)
Thanks so much for the great info
Also, thanks for the heads up on the pin swap in the data sheet. That would have caused some headaches later on.
If anyone is interested, the RGB LED’s I have pictured in that post were super cheap ebay ones, they were $18 shipped for 50.