RGB Rotary encoder button

I have a https://www.sparkfun.com/products/15141 encoder (plus the breakout board). The button/switch does not seem to be working, i’ve attached a pulldown resistor of 7.5K to the switch output and wired it to GPIO6, and the power to 3.3v pin of my pi4. the rotary encoder part is connect to GPIO13/5 and the common to ground pin 39. The rotary encoder is working as it should (tested via evtest), but the button is only very seldom triggering when pressed.

Should the internal GPIO pulldown work on this, or do i actually need the external (just for the switch)?

I have tried disconnecting the encoder from vcc and do not get continuity between + and switch while button is pressed (or released). Does this mean it’s defective?

Wouldn’t it have been a better design to connect the pushbutton to the common ground pin, rather than the common anode?

I already ordered it with the breakout board. I have concluded that the switch component of the encoder is defective, as I don’t get continuity between switch output and common input when button is pressed. I have terrible luck with encoders, as this is the 3rd one of recieved (fram various sources) that was defective on arrival. Hopefully SparkFun get’s back to me soon… I’ve submitted a RMA request.