RP2040 SparkFun Product Arduino IDE Support?

Still waiting for any level of Arduino IDE 2.0 software support for the RP2040 used on any of the three SparkFun products. Or even prior IDE support for that matter given the RP2040 Pico is now available through original Arduino IDE as of basically today.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YOEauk9bLo shows the Pico support being now available for the original IDE. Any chance that SparkFun can add their product line to that? How would they do so exactly such that it supports the 3 current product lines if you are using the original IDE at the moment or then move to the IDE 2.0 once out of beta hopefully before too long here.

IDE 2.0 was released 2 days ago; we will be releasing support as time avails.

Managing expectations for hardware and software release dates might go a long way here - be sure to check to SparkFun’s blog page https://www.sparkfun.com/news regularly for updates! That will be the fastest way to ensure you obtain such releases.

Arduino rarely tells anyone outside of direct current large partnerships. SparkFun would have found out the EXACT same day as you. Just give it some time.

Makes sense. Was hoping to see things released sooner from the Arduino IDE side of things after the January release date but obviously we understand that writing and testing complex software takes time. Thank you. Will check the news page for updates which at least sound like they are in progress.

Also not entirely sure what would strictly be needed to be done to add the original IDE support for the new SparkFun RP2040 products specifically now that support is available on the Arduino IDE side. In theory is it just very basic pinout support or a fair bit more than that?