RTK android app

Although I’ve been using Swmaps, is there an app that will give you a smaller map scale? Zooming quits at 5m with Swmaps.

I’ve looked at Fieldgenius, but as a recreational surveyor, spending that kind of money is silly.

If I use Swmaps to do the connections, could I access the GPS Status page from another app (something written with Android Inventor from where I could provide info about approaching a “stake”?

I could write the whole app in Inventor, but that’s way more brain work than I’m looking to invest.

Is the EOS positioning system app of any help?


EOS Pro Tools on Android can’t find the device. There’s some stuff on Github I’ll have to look through…

It turns out you can set Swmaps as a “mock location provider” in Android developer apps. I can write a quick Inventor app to guide me to a “stake list” at full accuracy. I can split screen with SW Maps to get a graphic display with my app showing heading and distance to the selected stake. I haven’t used Invetor for a few years, so I might spend the day perfecting it.