I’m trying to do a simple test prior to spending $1,500 on a Torch.
Using SW Maps on iOS/iPhone, I want to stand over my Property Pin, place a pin in SW Maps.
Then on SW Maps, draw what the next call is in my property DEED says to a location where there is NOT a pin, but I will will place a flag once I am there with SW Maps directing me (and hopefully accurately in the future with Torch and SW Maps)
I have successfully “drop pins” where I am standing over the iron pin in SW Maps (yes that wanders around on iOS but this is just a test of the APP)
I have used the [Measure function] but it only can tell me length, not compass heading.
The deed will say something like ‘NORTH 25 degrees 34 minutes East 306.47ft’ which on a compass is nice as it’s easy conversion EAST 25.566 degrees.
I would like SW MAPS to draw that line 306.47ft on a compass heading of E25.566 and then I can walk following my “DOT”-self on SW MAPS until I am over the end of the line and I can physically place a flag.
in the iOS app APGLOS this feature exists [Line length and angle from a point] and and to me seems like a standard surveyors task, but the iOS apps listed for the Torch don’t seem to do this. They are more “GIS” focused, go wander the field and take a picture and they will record the LAT/LONG of where the picture was taken, or some text note about gas main there. They aren’t for starting at a known point, and then measuring off a specific distance and compass heading, or at least I can’t follow their instructions on finding how their software would do it.
I am a total newbie, and thought I could find a PROSUMER level Surveying tool, but APGLOS seems to be the only iOS APP I have found that responds like what I think a surveyor following a DEED would do to place flags per the DEED recorded and measured back in the 1970’s would do.
Maybe I just need to bite the bullet and go ANDROID… UGH!!!
I have searched YouTube, lots of SW MAPS videos but none seem to do my TASK, drop pin over a legacy Surveyor’s capped iron pin. Then draw a line on a compass heading to the next location following all the directions in a DEED.
Anyone have some suggestions or clarifications? Am I just out of my league on this?