RTK Express and USB-C / Bluetooth data connection with rugged laptop with embedded u-blox card

Another day another issue! Since upgrading to v2.5 I seem to have some issues with port enumeration within Windows when connecting my RTX Express. This is on my rugged DELL laptop that has an integrated ublox receiver…

I can connect up to the ESP port just fine and it is detected as CH340 port, but nothing on the ublox connector. In addition, for some reason now, if I connect up by bluetooth I also do not get a port enumerated, so I am without any means of communicating with the unit!

I think the common denominator is the integral ublox card. Thats OK, this laptop has two serial ports, but is there any way to get a serial to USB C adapter that works the other way? Usually these are dependent on the USB C being at the laptop end and therefore installing drivers for the serial port, but I would be using it the other way around.

I guess I could use the qwiic connecter serial, but that is not an elegant solution (would rather use the USB-C if possible.

Feel free to downgrade the firmware on the RTK Express, but I can’t imagine that’s the problem.

I can connect up to the ESP port just fine and it is detected as CH340 port, but nothing on the ublox connector.

Please see ‘Don’t See ‘USB Serial Device’?’ in section: https://docs.sparkfun.com/SparkFun_RTK_ … ss-express

if I connect up by bluetooth I also do not get a port enumerated

Are you able to connect to the unit from your phone over Bluetooth? If yes, I have to blame the laptop. With most PCs, I see 1 to 3 Bluetooth Serial COM ports created when bluetooth is enabled. I usually have to hunt and peck my way through these COMs until I find the one that is the actual connection. It’s always possible, just not friendly.

Hi Sparky,

Thanks for this, indeed I do remember seeing x2 sensors rather than ports when plugging in USB. As for Bluetooth, it connects but no ports, but maybe that is the same (it is showing as a sensor instead)? Will let you know how I get on…

I can connect both serial/Bluetooth fine on another laptop, so know there isn’t an issue, just odd that this suddenly happened after the upgrade, though agree it must be unrelated.

