Another day another issue! Since upgrading to v2.5 I seem to have some issues with port enumeration within Windows when connecting my RTX Express. This is on my rugged DELL laptop that has an integrated ublox receiver…
I can connect up to the ESP port just fine and it is detected as CH340 port, but nothing on the ublox connector. In addition, for some reason now, if I connect up by bluetooth I also do not get a port enumerated, so I am without any means of communicating with the unit!
I think the common denominator is the integral ublox card. Thats OK, this laptop has two serial ports, but is there any way to get a serial to USB C adapter that works the other way? Usually these are dependent on the USB C being at the laptop end and therefore installing drivers for the serial port, but I would be using it the other way around.
I guess I could use the qwiic connecter serial, but that is not an elegant solution (would rather use the USB-C if possible.
if I connect up by bluetooth I also do not get a port enumerated
Are you able to connect to the unit from your phone over Bluetooth? If yes, I have to blame the laptop. With most PCs, I see 1 to 3 Bluetooth Serial COM ports created when bluetooth is enabled. I usually have to hunt and peck my way through these COMs until I find the one that is the actual connection. It’s always possible, just not friendly.
Thanks for this, indeed I do remember seeing x2 sensors rather than ports when plugging in USB. As for Bluetooth, it connects but no ports, but maybe that is the same (it is showing as a sensor instead)? Will let you know how I get on…
I can connect both serial/Bluetooth fine on another laptop, so know there isn’t an issue, just odd that this suddenly happened after the upgrade, though agree it must be unrelated.