RTK Facet damage?

My RTK Facet arrived yesterday, and it has a rattle (something light like a loose screw?) and a heavier thud if I rotate the device (like maybe a battery?). I don’t want to open the case without the blessing from Sparkfun so I don’t void any warranty.

Not sure if it is normal or not. Any video of this facet does not mention such a rattling sound or thud. I think you’d better e-mail them directly if there is no solution.

The battery is held in place with a couple of small pieces of shipping foam, which shifted, and the battery went on a rampage, breaking a couple pieces of the plastic molding off and damaging something in the electronics, since it won’t turn on or indicate charging. Nothing simple like cable disconnection. I’m waiting for an RMA.

Oh! That’s something we do not expect from Sparkfun. I hope they will solve this matter soon.

If I order the RTK-GPS Facet unit, will the unit ship with battery not installed?

Installing the battery is non-trivial - lots of screws to remove, tiny connectors in inaccessible places. I’m guessing they’ll improve how they secure the battery “shims” (two pieces of 1/4 foam packing material). They’re looking forward to examining the wreckage in my unit.